Mentioned by 1 participant: “Vulnerable people do not question entities they deem to have some level of authority, but will act very defensively, and aggressively even, those close to them especially when someone questions something related to their identity or habitus. This is because no one likes to be called out individually on something, like unhealthy diet, racist tweets or the like. This is somewhat contradicted and hypocritical when the group they identify with, or belong to, is called out in media in a negative light, as their response is defensive “…but, not me! I am not really in…”. Thus, their critical thinking does exist to some degree, but it is aimed towards those they think they have control over, or do not deem to have any authority. With critical thinking comes the ability to be able to accept that there are multiple ways one is doing “wrong” or “inefficiently” in their personal lives, or their views on certain topics are subjective. It is fine to have any ideas, feelings, emotions and opinions, but one should know how and why they think or feel the way they do. This last part is something many do not ever ask about themselves” (x1).
