Mentioned by 8 participants: “This [not questioning information and vulnerability to propaganda] is, of course, abused by politicians, media, governments, and companies to drive their own products, ideologies and so on. [see section above for full text: “With critical thinking comes the ability…“] … their [many non-academic people who don’t utilize CT] critical thinking does exist to some degree, but it is aimed towards those they think they have control over, or do not deem to have any authority” (x1); “avoid being handled and thought out of the box” (x1); “In the age of fake news, unfounded political positions and the large-scale use of social platforms to influence people (both politically – and commercially), these skills are essential for citizens” (x1); “In somewhat bald terms, so that we are not easily fooled [e.g., by fake news]” (x1); “It helps personally not being prey to groups that benefit from your lack of judgment (ex: Homeopathy)” (x1); “[Without CT] Others will be able to dictate what the person will believe and do, as they are likely to base their decisions, belief and judgments on feelings and bias” (x1);  “to not be a mere sheep in our totalitarian system where everyone is being brainwashed to comply” (x1); “Without the critical thinking the individual will be used by other people” (x1).
