Mentioned by 1 expert: In fact, children always played games. Just before there were no computers. However, the old education was very dry and boring, it was divorced from the world and the imagination of children. Now there are a lot of games, because There are more and more opportunities to create them, and even children can now create them themselves. Now we can give the children the same game that they have been playing for centuries. But in a modern game, we can put serious things and associate them with the game. For example, moving along coordinates, adding chemical elements to create some kind of potion or water, liquid soap and playing the whole story, quest, test. Accordingly, the child plunges into a fascinating and fantasy world and remembers everything that he collected and applied in the lesson and, as the most important thing, he now overtakes his parents by knowledge when they were at the same age “The theory is simple: now children play computer games and feel great in this world, they are open to learning new things, making acquaintances and childishness. Currently, the majority of modern children on the street do not feel so comfortable, make acquaintances not so easily.Well, of course, it’s easier for us to adapt to our children and go to them and there you go! They noticed us!) And when they saw us and saw that we are masters of the game in their game, then we become their idols, they turn in our direction and begin to listen with pleasure)” (x1).
