Mentioned by 5 experts, including:
• The mode is less relevant than the clarity of stated learning goals and objectives, and the efficiency and relevance of the briefing / action / debriefing sequence built into the entire sequence (x1);
• Once again, this is context dependent. It depends on what the lesson is about (x1);
• … it is a matter of purposes that teacher wants to achieve while technologies might be considered as mediators or tools. Through this perspective, the tools, which are chosen, might be of different modes but they need to be aligned with the purposes of learning session/particular learning activity or game (x1);
• I don’t think there can be one specific answer to this particular item as the context of the problem, intended learning outcomes, classroom setting and the game being used will determine the most suitable/effective ‘mode’ which should be used (x1);
• I think the real pedagogic moment faces in how it is debriefed, discussed and how the learning is realised. Games can be learning by stealth (x1).
