Mentioned by 4 experts, including:
• range of choices to take in an action (x1);
• Multiple solutions. Adaptive pathways. More than one allowing for moutcome (multiple endings). Bandersnatch is perhaps an interesting example of this! (x1);
• Games … offer ‘messy problems’ – there is often no fixed ‘right’ answer, which is an ideal environment for developing CT. Problems in multiplayer games are also solved collaboratively, and different perspectives can be brought to bear on a problem. … richness of the experience – games are not a ‘fixed text’ and there can be more than one right answer, as well as conflicting ideas and evidence that supports more than one approach (x1);
• The fact that in a digital game players are making decisions based on information received from various sources makes them good tools for building CT and systems thinking. Modern games push the player to consider several possibilities and engage in quick decision making. … [They] promote perspective-taking capabilities as narrative-based games encourage decision making in tough and complex situations (x1).