Mentioned by 4 participants: “In the age of fake news, unfounded political positions and the large-scale use of social platforms to influence people (both politically – and commercially), these skills are essential for citizens” (x1), “It may seem glib to associate the need for critical thinking with current notions of ‘fake news’ but it might be argued that a lack of critical thinking has resulted in increasingly decisive and damaging politics. The rise in ‘populist’ views may be based on peoples’ skewed understanding of the world, as mediated by news outlets and social media” (x1), “in the era of misinformation, social media and fake news one needs to learn to navigate themselves in search of facts and truth” (x1), “For instance – the issues in modern media settings with “fake news”. If we do not test certain theories, or reports, against debate, discussion and analysis – we endanger our communities and personal belief systems by consuming false facts to base future decisions on” (x1).
