Mentioned by 10 participants, including: the ability to assess a situation from multiple viewpoints (x1), a process of addressing the issue/problem/situation by … evaluating different options, weighting pros and cons, etc. (x1), [CT] can also involve weighing up pieces of information or points of view against one another (x1), interpreting the information from different perspectives (x1), gain deeper understanding about any subject along with it’s pros and cons under various perspectives which emerge out while we are thinking critically (x1), which is ‘checking and evaluating the available solutions to make a decision about some thing’ (x1), the ability to consider an issue from a several perspectives (x1), when … one weighs the possibilities associated with the problem/situation in order to determine a solution (x1), is the ability of an individual to take into account multiple perspectives (x1), using strategic thinking to approach it [hypothesis or problem] from a range of perspectives (x1).